Thursday, July 1, 2010

Flying Car!

No the picture above isn't fake or Photoshopped. It's the real deal. A car that flies!

It's known as the Transition Roadable Aircraft. The company that is behind the design of the vehicle is Terrafugia. They have been attempting to create this for a while but have been running into some issues with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Up until the FAA gave them an exception the craft was too heavy to fit into the Light Sport Aircraft category.

While not the first flying car out there it seems to be the most economical. HLN stated that is will cost around $190K. When in the air it can cruise at 115 mph and can go for just a little over 400 miles. When on the ground it even achieves decent gas mileage with 30 mpg. One of the benefits of it being in the Light Sport Aircraft category is also the ability for more individuals to purchase. Customers will need a special license but will only need 20 hours of instruction to get the license and be ready to fly/drive. And another cool runs off of regular unleaded gas that you can get at any gas station.

Terrafugia wants to have the final design and be ready to sell to customers in 2011.

Now I have to say I think this is pretty sweet. If I had the money to purchase this I would in a heart beat. I'd be flying all over the place just because I could. I also think it's nice that I wouldn't have to go and get all these crazy certifications in able to fly it.

However if this is a hit and car companies start making things like this all the time, the sky is going to get ridiculous. I mean for real just think of the Jetsons and how we can barely drive on the ground as a population. I can't imagine what we would be like in the air.

What do you think of the flying car?


  1. i think its a terrible idea.

  2. people can't drive cars, why do you think we could hadle flying planes?
