Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lack of Attachment

This post is dedicated to my friend Corey Ariss.

How many times has this happened to you? You open up your email client and start reading the new emails you've received. You spend all this time reading this important email and at the end they say something like "Please see attached document." You look to the side and you don't see that symbol (the little paperclip) that means something is actually attached. Two seconds later another email comes in..."Oh I'm sorry...it's attached this time!" Well this has happened so many times to me.

My friend Corey does this...a lot. But so many others do it as well. All the way from just friends, to my fraternity, to official university documents. It's really frustrating because not only does it not appear in the original email I now have two emails to worry about.

Sometimes people are smart about when they resend the attachment...they'll just reply to what they sent out the first time which saves the message that goes with the attachment. This helps because I can then delete the email without the attachment and keep the one with it. But sometimes people just completely resend a new email which then means I have to keep them both. So annoying because I don't like having a lot of emails in my inbox.

Now I'm not guilt free of this either, I've done it before and man do I hate myself when I do it. But I've found that when sending an email it's now easier to attach first then write the message that way I don't do this.

So please if you send lots of things with attachments try that and see if it helps you.

Does this bug you too, or is it just me?


  1. hey corey, i have a "app" idk what to call it with my gmail that reminds me if i forget to put my attachment with the e-mail. maybe you can find it.

  2. HA HA HA, Nick McGee or Nick Nasty, one of those 2 was TERRIBLE at it as well.
