Tuesday, July 6, 2010

People Who "Like" Everything

This post is dedicated to my friend Rachel.

Today's post is about the infamous pages on Facebook. You know the things that were created originally for businesses, bands, and organizations to be able to be on Facebook, and not have to operate under a profile or a group. Pages are great, they allow for updates from these groups and also allow people to show who supports them by clicking the "Like" button.

Well there's my first issue with this whole thing...the liking of page used to be called "Become a Fan." That made way more sense to me and it still bugs me that you now just "like" something. This isn't really the point of this post, but whatever.

My real issue with pages and the liking of said pages is that pages now represent all sorts of things. I mean no longer are they actual representations of things, many times I now see pages for things like "I have a dislike for [insert random object]" or "I'm an 18 year old girl and I still love [insert another random object]." Because of these many random pages you now get people who like EVERYTHING that pops up.

My friend Rachel...she's one of those people.

I looked at her profile today before writing this post. She is currently at 2,957 liked pages. This is opposed to the mere 25 things I currently like. Now I have to admit some of the things she likes are pretty funny and at times I completely agree with what the page says, but again I have to actually think something is a business, club, or something along those lines before I'll like it.

Here are a few of the funnier pages I found on Rachel's profile:

If you sext, do you get a phoner?
I hate it when someone secretly puts your name in the Goblet of Fire

And by far my favorite one I found on here which suits Rachel perfectly is:

I'm a fan of seeing my friends become fans of pages I've just been a fan of (note again here that it's no longer becoming a fan)

I couldn't bring myself to continue looking to find funny ones for two reasons. First I'd be there forever trying to read through and pick out the best ones. Almost 3,000 pages is just too much. Secondly she has so many pages that trying to view them all keeps freezing my browser so I just said "Screw this." But trust me, there are plenty.

But really in the end this all was spurred because I get tired of logging onto Facebook and my news feed is full of so and so likes this or what's his face likes that. It makes me want to not allow you on my news feed...but then I'm afraid I'd miss out on some quality information some day from you...you're lucky I'm nice...and that I like stalking on Facebook.


  1. I go through my groups and pages every few months when I'm bored or looking for a new job where I delete anything that's extra, don't care for, or don't portray me in a good light. My goal is to have only 10-20 "likes" that define me as a person, and a similar amount of groups.

  2. Recently, someone I happen dislike had a status update concerning the loss of a grandparent...I was really tempted to "like" it.

  3. I deleted her as a friend on facebook for this very reason, I just couldn't take it anymore.
