Saturday, August 29, 2009

Another Go

So this past Wednesday we started up school again. It definitely came up pretty fast this year. With taking two summer courses and then going right into RA training which ended the 21st but then two days of move-in and then bam school. Overall though, I think classes will be pretty good this semster.

Forensic Chemistry seems like it will be a lot of fun. It's a really small class which is nice. Although apparently 10 is a rather large class from what my advisor told me when I talked to her the other day. One nice thing about the class is the fact that our notebooks are way different than for organic and such which is awesome! And Ammerman is teaching it and she's awesome so should be good times in that class. It is weird though, because I think I'm the only junior in the class, even though she keeps referring to us all as seniors. Oh well.

Instrumental will be interesting. I don't know exactly what to think of it yet, but I suppose after this upcoming week, I'll have a little bit more of an understanding of how it will work.

Spanish should be a blast. I love my teacher and she says my name really cool.

Geography...well yeah it's geography...

Anyways, so my residents have moved in and that's awesome. Getting to know some of them and just seeing them around the building is pretty cool. We had our WOW (Week of Welcome) Events on Wed, Thurs, and Fri. They went really well! I hadn't expected it to go so well. I think at our cookout we had almost 100 people and then at the movie on Friday we had like 30 people. Which for the first weekend and it being a Friday was really good!

Things are going pretty well right now though.

Quote of the Day
"Thought is only a flash between two long nights, but this flash is everything." --Henri Poincare

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Long Time Gone

It has definitely been a while since I've posted anything on here. Part of that is because I've just been lazy and haven't really gotten around to doing it. Also things have just been really busy with RA training and the beginning of the school year getting closer.'s the updates.

RA training started on the seventh of August. The only bad part about that, was it was the same day that I finished my physics class. So I didn't really have a break between the end of summer classes and the beginning of training. So not really a time to fully enjoy summer.

Training has been a lot of fun though. We only have a few more days left before it's over and move in starts and then the school year begins. I love my staff! PARK PLACE! We all get along really well and I'm glad that I am over here now. When I first got hired I was pretty upset about being placed over here, but now I don't want to be anywhere else. Also my supervisor is awesome. He's very relaxed, but I know he'll challenge me to be the best RA I can be.

Anyways I know this is short, but beyond training not a lot has been going on. I'll update again soon!

Quote of the Day
"The sad truth is excellence makes people nervous." --Shana Alexander

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Apartment and Life

So it has been a while since I last updated, but I won't be going through each individual day since I've kind of forgotten what has happened on each day. So instead I'll just make themed sections as to what has been happening.

Well only a few more days left in physics and then I'm done with it forever! I can't wait. The class has been pretty tough, but somehow I'm doing pretty damn well in it. We got back our third test the other day and I got a 90% on it. I was completely and utterly stunned. Today was the last day in lab and I got all 200 points that were possible in there so that will definitely be a nice grade booster. Kirsten and I worked out where we currently are in the class the other day and I'm sitting on an A right now. So long as I don't mess up the last test this Friday too much, I'll be passing the class with an A or an A-!

Student Government
Had a meeting today with Diana, Sandy, and Tina about the Freshmen Leadership Retreat that I want to start getting planned for next summer. We had a great meeting and got lots of ideas flying around now. I've got some research to do though to start figuring out what we can reasonably accomplish. But I'm so excited if this goes through the way I envision it!

Archon Academy
So the weekend was pretty awesome. The other Archons came into town on Friday night for Archon Academy on Saturday. Friday was also my chapter's one year anniversary of receiving our charter. It's kind of hard to believe a year has already passed since we were installed at GAC here in Indy. It is really exciting though to see that we are growing older and that eventually I will leave and others will take my place. Anyways, Aubrey and Steve were at the hotel so I went and picked them up so they could check out the house and meet some of my brothers. We had to leave early though, because we (the Archons, Shawn, and Chad) went to dinner at the Rathskeller. It is a German restaurant downtown. It was so delicious. Then we just kind of chilled in the hotel all night. I was surprised when I found out that I had a room reserved for me at the Westin since I live in Indy, but it was nice to be with the other guys as well and not have to drive back and forth from the house to downtown for the training and such.

Saturday was an early morning. We went and got some pictures taken for the HQ stuff I believe, then it was off to Laurel Hall. A couple of the guys hadn't been there before, so it was time for a tour. After the tour we got right into training. A huge binder with lots of info and lots of speakers throughout the day. It was a lot of information to handle all at once, but I think once I've gotten a chance to sit down and look over it some more, I'll be good. That night we went to St. Elmos for dinner. I don't think I've ever had such good steak before. We all also got their shrimp cocktail. It was so good. (A little spicy, but good) Then the other Archons and I went out and just hung out around Indy.

Woke up Sunday morning and said goodbye to the other guys and then got back in my car and headed up to the house to get my stuff to move into my new apartment.

New Apartment
Move in day for me wasn't as smooth as I had hoped. Mom came down and I got all the stuff from the house into the apartment just fine, but then when it was time to go to the storage room to get the stuff from there, I realized I didn't have the storage room key anymore.

We searched all over for it and couldn't find it anywhere. It was probably the most frustrating thing that has happened in a long time. Felt bad, because I feel like mom came down for nothing and we got frustrated with each other a little I think. We went a picked up a few things though, and then she went home after we got all that stuff back into the apartment. I went back up to the hosue, becasue I was bored and when I went to get something out of my trunk...I found the damn key! The guys then helped me get the stuff out of my storage room which was a big help. Had dinner with them and then started unpacking everything.

It's taken a couple days to get it all done, but the apartment is definitely starting to look like an apartment now.

Quote of the Day
"An intelligence test sometimes shows a man how smart he would have been not to have taken it." --Laurence J. Peter